EJEC Contributes to Formulation of Reconstruction Plan in Turkey
One year has passed since the Turkey-Syria earthquake (Kahramanmaraş Earthquake) that occurred on February 6, 2023, and it has been announced that a reconstruction plan (Build Back Better Plan) for the Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality in Turkey has been formulated. This was developed through the project commissioned to a three-company joint venture(*1) including Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.(EJEC), by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). *1:Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.(EJEC), and Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. For more than 40 years since the 1980s, EJEC has conducted numerous investigations and surveys after earthquake and tsunami disaster, provided earthquake disaster prevention/mitigation and seismic design services, and supported reconstruction project promotion services both domestically and internationally. In formulating this plan following the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake, we utilized this experience and expertise to conduct an earthquake damage analysis and compile a list of necessary reconstruction measures for a "build back better" approach. We will continue to contribute to the recovery and reconstruction efforts in Turkey, as well as contribute towards building disaster-resilient cities around the world. 【Reference: Article on the website of Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality (Turkish only)】
Local disaster situation
Field investigation hearing
Recovery plan formulation workshop
Recovery Plan Working Group
Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.
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- EJEC Contributes to Formulation of Reconstruction Plan in Turkey