A company fully aware of CRS while continually pursuing sustainable growth and creating shared value
EJEC contributes to solve the various social problems and social development through its core businesses such as an emergency response to disasters and assistance for reconstruction, active infrastructure consulting in developing countries and development of new projects to facilitate the regeneration of local areas as a general construction consultancy firm.
Disaster Response
Japan is truly a country prone to frequent disasters, such as earthquakes and ever intensive downpours. EJEC performs its mission as a construction consultancy firm in all relevant fields ranging from the formulation of disaster prevention or disaster mitigation plans during peace time to damage surveys and assistance for rehabilitation/construction at the time of a disaster.
Typical Projects
PPR for facilitation of the Sanriku Coastal Road Project in the Miyako-Hakoishi Section, Iwate Prefecture

The supervisory work for the Sanriku Coastal Road Project is a project facilitation PPP (new public-private partnership) newly introduced by the Tohoku Regional Development Bureau of the MLIT. This project facilitation PPP involves the use of the private sector as much as possible, aiming at shortening the time required for surveying and design, consultation and adjustment, land acquisition,etc. in order for the completion of the Sanriku Coastal Road as soon as possible.
Earthquake damage rehabilitation project for Yamada Town, Iwate Prefecture

More than 40% of the houses in Yamada Town, Iwate Prefecture were completely destroyed by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the fires which occurred at the same time. Including those houses which were partially destroyed, more than 50% of the houses in this town were affected. This catastrophy also involved the deaths of more than 800 people. Today, rehabilitation work is earnestly in progress with the determination of “not repeating the loss of life due to a tsunami among our children and grandchildren”.
Business Continuation

Resilience in risk management
EJEC considers the development of an emergency response system for disasters to be an important risk management issue and acquired resilience certification in 2016 while formulating and operating the business continuity policy (BCP). *Under the business certification scheme, a business operator actively pursuing the continuity of its business is certified as “an organization contributing to national resilience”.
Typical Project
Emergency responses to Western Japan Downpour Disaster

EJEC conducted emergency responses, including urgent countermeasures for the breach of an embankment in Mabi Town, Okayama Prefecture, at the time of the Western Japan Downpour Disaster in July, 2018. The BCP Area (disaster response room) at EJEC’s Headquarters was actively used for these responses.
Overseas Expansion

Active infrastructure consulting overseas
The business of EJEC as a “construction consultancy firm” is not restricted to Japan as it has actively expanded overseas. Against the emergence of new problems relating to the environment and population which demand global solutions, EJEC primarily focuses on African and Asian countries where economic growth and infrastructure investment are expected to take place. Using such fields as roads, transport, water supply, waste and renewable energies in which EJEC has been frequently active abroad as core business fields, EJEC plans to expand its business into such new fields as disaster prevention (against earthquakes and flooding), urban planning, etc. where the demand is expected to increase in the coming years.
Typical project
Renewable energy project

Throughout the world, particularly in developing countries, there is an urgent need to deal with such issues as an increasing energy demand and environmental protection, the significancy of which is expected to grow in the coming years, against the background of conspicuous population explosion and economic growth. EJEC is contributing to the development of these countries utilizing its waste collection and treatment system and know-how of technologies to turn waste into energy, both of which EJEC has accumulated through its consultancy services for environmental infrastructure in Japan.
New Business Development

New businesses for local regeneration with the effective use of the funds and know-how of the private sector
The present society has various problems, such as depopulation, ageing of people and deteriorated structures. Meanwhile, the diversification of people’s sense of values and needs vis-à-vis their living environment has been accelerating. To solve specific local problems and to build and maintain a sustainable society, EJEC is attempting local regeneration through a project developing business targeting social infrastructure as well as new businesses as investment in newly formed projects, business management and advisory work using the technologies possessed by EJEC as the backbone.
Typical projects
Summer strawbettery project (special purpose company: Strawberry Farm Co., Ltd.)
EJEC aims at turning local agriculture into a 6th industry through the cultivation and marketing of summer strawberries (ever-bearing strawberries) relying on imprts due to an extremely low domestic production volume. Production of processed strawberry-based foods and farm tourism business make the best use of the local characteristics.
Project to make forestry a 6th industry (special purpose company: Naka Wood Co., Ltd.)
Naka Wood produces and markets wood powder using local wood in Naka Town, Tokushima Prefecture, where the forest coverage ratio is as high as 95% and also markets original wood products made from faultless wood and wood powder. In addition, Naka Wood participates in such activities as “using wood” and “education on wood” together with the local administration and organizations with the aim of conserving the national land and creating sustainable local communities from the viewpoint of education and human resources development.
Other principal business outputs
Overseas |
Feasibility Study on Power Generation Using Rice Husks in Bangladesh (Study) Advisory for Biogas Power Generation Project in Thailand (Advisory) Demonstration Project to Turn Waste Into Energy in Vietnam (Study) Feasibility Study on Biogas Power Generation Project Using Agricultural Residue in the Philippines (Study) Support for CDM Project to Turn Agricultural Residue Into Energy in Vietnam (Advisory) |
Japan |
Maintenance and Operation of the Kanto Toll Road (Advisory; Operational Management) Planning of Health Promotion in Shikoku (Study) Examination of the Utilization of Local Resources in Tourist Areas of Hokkaido (Study) Support for Vitalization Activities at a Shopping District in Shikoku (Advisory) Planning of Managerial Improvement for Tourism Hubs in Tohoku (Advisory) |

Efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, proposing 17 goals to be achieved throughout the world between 2016 and 2030. Many of the EJEC’s businesses are relevant to these goals and EJEC is determined to make conscious efforts to continually achieve these goals in the coming years.
Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.