Expanding our Social Responsibilities
Since its establishment 70 years ago, Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc. (EJEC) has offered excellent technologies for improvement of the global environment, conservation of the national land and local infrastructure as a company which is fully aware of its social responsibilities, promising safety and security. We believe that the very reason for our existence is to pass on a valuable environment for the future for every stakeholder. This has been and will continue to be the unwavering role of EJEC in society.
Changes of the environment surrounding us have been accelerating. The world now faces an increasing severity of natural disasters and rapidly progressing environmental impacts of climate change, demand for the realization of a decarbonised society, outbreaks of new infectious diseases, divergence of a sense of value regarding many aspects of diversity and ways of working and the emergence of digital element technologies summarised as ABCD among others. Not all of these issues have a historical connection to the past. While these changes are connected to each other, they require their own new solutions. EJEC recognises these pressing needs and believes that our role of seeking such solutions will expand our business opportunities.
EJEC will actively promote digital transformation (DX) without being trapped by conventional ideas, customs or business fields and will confront immediate social challenges as a company which can create value for subsequent generations and constantly expand the scope of its social role. We also aim at becoming a company whose executives and staff members alike as stakeholders themselves achieve a new way of work which satisfies both work life quality and individual happiness.
We would be most grateful for your continued guidance.
KIN Seikan
Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.
Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.