All Categories
- 2017.11.14 Commendation EJEC receives the JICA President Award
- 2017.10.16 Topics Holding of a technology seminar, inviting guests from the Asian Institute of Technology
- 2017.07.31 Topics Emergency Erosion Control Work in Kumano District, Kii Mountains
- 2017.06.30 Topics Construction Management for Earthquake Disaster Reconstruction
- 2017.06.13 Commendation Asakegawa Bridge wins the JSCE Tanaka Award (excellence in the bridge design and construction category)
- 2017.05.30 Topics EJEC won the JSCE’s Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award (Group II: Project for rehabilitation of drinking water supply systems in the Pyanj District, Khatlon Region, Republic of Tajikistan)
- 2017.03.11 CSV Strawberry farm: signing of an agreement for a demonstration study on the value-added summer and autumn strawberry business model
- 2016.12.05 Commendation Otagawaohashi Bridge wins FY 2016 JSCE Best Design Prize
- 2016.11.30 Topics Tajikistan: construction of water supplying wells, elevated water tanks and water supply systems
- 2016.11.25 Topics Completion of a solid waste disposal center with “a semi-aerobic landfill structure” in Tak Province, Thailand