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- 2018.12.18 Topics Renewal of resilience certificate: addition of the “social contribution” category
- 2018.11.29 Topics EJEC hosted a Special Session at the 7th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Bangkok
- 2018.10.24 Topics First flyovers in Tanzania opened with Japanese assistance
- 2018.10.16 Topics Opening of the EJEC Myanmar Office
- 2018.10.16 Topics Joint hosting of a technical seminar with the Myanmar Engineering Society
- 2018.09.19 Topics Joint hosting of a technical seminar with National University of Civil Engineering of Vietnam
- 2018.09.19 Topics Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Architectural Research Center in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC)
- 2018.03.31 Topics Driving Licence Issuing Center of Eastern Hiroshima Prefecture: PFI Advisory Work
- 2018.03.31 Topics Supervision of Construction Work of the Sakai Municipal Clean Center
- 2018.03.20 Topics Concession Implementation for the Aichi Prefectural Toll Road