Business Continuity Policy

When a major disaster, such as an earthquake, tsunami, etc. occurs in Japan or its surrounding area, EJEC will not only endeavor to ensure the safety of its employees and their families and the preservation of assets, etc. but will also perform the social responsibility of the company by means of continuing its existing business activities nationwide, smoothly and swiftly implement surveys and inspection of the damage as well as rehabilitation and reconstruction work, all of which are called for in disaster-hit areas, to earn the further trust of its clients by such response to a disaster.
EJEC has prepared and is operating the Business Continuity Policy (BCP) to firmly implement the above-mentioned efforts to continue its business activities. EJEC formulates an action program in accordance with this Policy, checks the implementation situation every year and revises the Policy when necessary.
In December, 2016, EJEC was registered in the “business continuity” category of the certification scheme for organizations contributing to national resilience (Resilience Certification). In 2018, EJEC was additionally registered in the “social contribution” category for emergency inspection through the Japan Civil Engineering Consultants Association, research activities through the EJ Innovation Technology Center, disaster survey reports on HP and other activities were recognized to constitute “social contribution”. Taking such recognition as an opportunity, EJEC is determined to refine its wide-ranging activities with a view to further contributing to the improvement of Japan’s disaster prevention strength.
November, 2018, KIN Seikan, President, Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants, Inc.
EJEC’s BCP at the Time of a Serious Disaster
Basic Principles of BCP
- ・ Ensuring the safety of employees and their families and preserving assets
- ・ Continuing business activities in areas not hit by disaster
- ・ Swiftly responding to emergency work required by clients of a civil engineering consultancy firm
TowBCP Implementation Mechanism
To materialize BCP, EJEC implements various measures consisting of two bases and three pillars to aim at “earning the further trust of its clients through its response to a disaster”, fulfilling the social responsibility of the company.
Two Bases
- ・ Stable maintenance of the information system and continuation of key business activities
- ・ Confirmation and ensuring of the safety of employees and their families in a disaster-hit area and relief for the disaster-hit business base
Three Pillars
- ・ Ensuring of the functions of the key business base in a disaster-hit area and ensuring of an alternative base if necessary
- ・ Early implementation of emergency response activities which become necessary in a disaster-hit area
- ・ Sure implementation of entrusted work in areas other than a disaster-hit area

Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.
- Business Continuity Policy (BCP)